Thursday, November 8, 2007

A Bug's Life

One thing they don't tell you about Sydney is that at times it can be infiltrated, or even invaded by a number of bugs. First the moths came in October, but they're relatively easy to deal with. Large and mostly confined to sitting on the wall, the bullseye on those guys is pretty big. One slap of the newspaper and they're gone. The flies, however, are a different story.

Unlike North American flies that are just a pest but tend to scoot when asked, these flies are the beagle of the fly family. They're too dumb to realize that when swiped or shooed at, that means go the hell away. Not only do they stick around, but they pretty much make themselves home on your face, neck, sunglasses for as long as they see fit. And this is a constant little game us humans play with the bugs all day long. Most Sydneysiders tend to shoo them away as a minor convenience, but my inclination is to squash every flying bug that comes into my space. If this continues, I might just go a little gnat crazy.

Am I the only one that threatens to A-bomb each and every fly to kingdom come? Maybe with the other creatures Australians have to deal with, the flies are no big whoop. Or maybe I just need to invest in a little bug repellant and I'll be ok.

I've been told that the flies go away in December, which seems odd, since I thought bugs, birds and the like all arrive during summer. If that's the case, all I have to deal with are the huge spiders that tend to get in our house.

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