Sunday, September 21, 2008

Here Comes the Sun

The dread of winter is a bit exaggerated here: people complain how cold, windy and rainy it gets for the months of June, July, August. Despite some chilly mornings and lack of heat in any household, it's really not that bad. Growing up in the snow, ice, slush, cold wind (and snow) of Connecticut, this winter is a tropical paradise. But in the last few weekends, we've been reminded of what real summertime feels like. It's amazing the memories and feelings that return with an increase of about five degrees of temperature. Walking around Bondi, the constant smell of bbq permeates the air and voices of rooftop parties is everywhere. Wow, that was so poetic, I know. For some reason we forget what summer feels like every year, and it feels oh so good. With daylight savings coming in a few weeks, that will make these warm spring days even sunner.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting inside watching college football. Priotrities, people.

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