Thursday, October 30, 2008

(Not So) Magic Bus

Today I think I officially realized that I miss the Jeep. The ability to jump in your own car at any given moment is defeintely underrated at times. People complain about sitting in traffic, but don't have a problem zoning out and driving to work.

What I do have a problem with is today's situation: just like every day, I walk out on Bondi Road to watch 3-4 buses roll by. When I get to the bus stop, it's another good five mins until another bus comes along. And that's a 381 - no use to me. Then a 333 comes....great, but it's completely full. Did I happen to mention it's not exactly spring weather outside and it's raining? Finally get on the bus and although I get a seat, it's right across from a mental girl who is ready to start grabbing me or kicking me at any moment.

Compared to most cities, the bus experience is fantastic. But there are days where I'd love to start up the Jeep, throw a CD in and watch those suckers on the bus frown their way to work.

Don't even get me atarted on people talking on the phone.

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