Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lost in Translation

Since I'm moving back to Southern California from Oz, I've translated Aussie phrases I've learned into SoCal. For any others around the country, this may require yet another translation...

G'day mate
Cali: what's up dude
Everywhere else: hey there

Good on ya
Cali: nice
Everywhere else: splendid

Cali: woah, that's alot
Everywhere else: a bunch

Sweet as
Cali: alllright
Everywhere else: quite good

Flat out/flat chat
Cali: super busy
Everywhere else: not available

Cali: 4:20 duuude!
Everywhere else: hey, happy hour

What's the go?
Cali: What's happening, bro?
Everywhere else: what are your plans?

Fully sick
Cali: cool
Everywhere else: cool

Pear shaped
Cali: bummer
Everywhere else: not going well

No worries
Cali: no worries
Everywhere else: it's ok

Cali: gnarly
Everywhere else: the best

Cali: Rainbows
Everywhere else: sandals

On the piss
Cali: totally wasted
Everywhere else: inebriated

Taking the piss
Cali: busting balls
Everywhere else: just joking

Suss it out
Cali: chill, we'll get it
Everywhere else: let's figure this out

Cali: the hot veggies that go in my fajita, please
Everywhere else: the hot veggies that go in other, non-Meixican dishes

Cali: loads, man
Everywhere else: bunches

Chalk and cheese
Incomplete, I still haven't figured this one out

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