All in all, it's the same country. Strip malls, reality shows, right side of the road, guns. It's great to be back. But there have been a few changes since I left in 2007:
There's some kid Justin Beiber melting adolescent hearts. Gross.
Billboards are now electronic. Eh.
My Wells Fargo ATM takes check deposits without envelopes. Cool.
I drive a Pruis and it's everywhere on the roads. Yes.
There's a different receptionist on 'The Office.' I'm down.
Another Karate Kid? I'm not sure I accept.
The Lakers are still champs. I'm fine with that.
Talk Soup and Tosh.O are popular. Umm, ok?
Indie 103.1 is no longer. I feel a void on the airwaves.
There's alot of these 'dispensary' places in LA. Seems about right.
California doesn't work on Fridays. Less cars on the road, nothing wrong with that.
Orange County added more strip malls. It's ok, they were desperately lacking.
Gas stations, supermarkets and NYC taxis now entertain me with tv when checking out, filling up and going for an eventful ride.
There's a new noun I never knew about called Yelp. In verb form it's Yelping.
We get oil spills that can't be cleaned up. Ugh.
Animal Crackers are now in a resealable bag, not the box with a string.
I think they've extended the carpool lane on the 405 all the way to the 10. About time.
Basketball morons now go on tv for an hour to decide where they're playing next. Pass.
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