Sunday, November 18, 2007

Performance-Enhancing Art

So in the wake of Barry Bonds' indictment for lying about taking steroids, it leads to an interesting thought. I was watching a great movie from the 60s last night, Monterey Pop, and it made me wonder: if not for performance-enhancing drugs, would the Beatles have ever made Sgt. Peppers or any of the San Francisco groups existed? I mean, LSD should be considered the steroids of music, right? I would never defend Barry Bonds and not doing so here, but we need to put this whole thing in perspective. Every entertainer and athlete has used one form or another to boost their performance or creativity, legal or otherwise.

Some say there are not rules or standards in music or art. Ok, fine, good argument. That's what makes rock n roll so cool.


Brianne said...

kevin...your blog needs to be updated...

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